2.6 "STEM Challenge: Design a Mentorship App"
Objective: Students will use their STEM skills to design a prototype for a mentorship app that connects women in STEM.
- Divide students into small teams and ask them to design an app or platform that connects young women interested in STEM with mentors in the field.
- Teams should consider features like:
- How mentees and mentors are matched
- What types of resources or advice will be shared
- How the platform ensures diversity and accessibility
- Students can create mock-up designs on paper or using free digital tools.
- Each team will present their prototype, explaining how it addresses the gender gap in STEM and fosters meaningful mentorship relationships.
Discussion Questions:
- How can technology be used to support mentorship in STEM?
- What challenges might arise when creating a platform like this, and how could they be solved?
- What other innovative solutions can technology offer to address gender inequality in STEM?
Extension: Consider turning the best app ideas into real projects, encouraging students to work on coding or developing a more detailed business plan for the app.

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