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The primary aim of this mini-training is to raise awareness about the gender gap in STEM and demonstrate how role models can help address this issue. 

The training focuses on understanding the root causes of women’s underrepresentation in STEM, such as gender stereotypes, societal expectations, and structural inequalities in education and the workplace. 

Through real-world examples and success stories, participants learn the crucial impact of female role models in inspiring young women and dispelling the notion that STEM fields are male-dominated. 

The visibility of women in leadership roles challenges societal norms and offers concrete examples for younger generations, expanding career possibilities and breaking down entry barriers. 

The training also encourages critical reflection on stereotypes and biases that affect women’s participation in STEM, helping participants understand how both conscious and unconscious biases shape societal views on women in these fields. 

Additionally, the program promotes mentorship, highlighting how mentors provide long-term support and guidance, helping women navigate academic and professional challenges, develop key skills, and build confidence. 

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